Joy of Pancakes ep. 39 – A Class Act feat. Wella

Final Fantasy Tactics was based!? | Class Conscious Pancake Art | Joy of Pancakes ep. 39

Twas the Monday after Thanksgiving, and all through the studio, the artists were back to production, and friend Wella added to their portfolio.  Okay, that’s one good rhyme out of the way; don’t think I could go the full post in that poetic measure.  Daniel started off the stream with a pancake that both is a reference from his favorite Final Fantasy of all time (sorry IX fans), and a quote that resonates with those in society.  After that, Wella assisted in choosing a succulent piece to apply to a griddle canvas.  They then took their turn at the hot seat and the hot plate by doing their first freehand piece live on stream.  Great job for their second full work!  Finally, a logo for our upcoming Patreon page was how Dan closed things out.  One more month to go for 2020!

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