Another Sunday, another Dancakes Donation Livestream in the bag! This week’s was an absolute pleasure – we had a ton of our favorite friends returning and a very, very lively chat. It was really cool to spend our afternoon with you. Remember, next week we’re starting a little bit earlier (2pm CDT) so set your notification alerts and stop by to join us! We’d love to see you.
Also: Tomorrow Dan will be doing another Joy of Pancakes Live at 2pm CDT – will you drop in to join him? We’ll decide the prompt before the stream, and then make a few more. Remember: Mistakes are Delicious!!
The Round up shot! Which one is your favorite?
These were free requests from the chat but our friend Bre S. came through with an after-the-fact donation, saying "Thanks for the My Hero Academia Pancakes!" To which we'd say, it was a pleasure. Thanks, Bre!
A paid request for Cori T. - a character of their own creation! Lovely work, Cori, and thanks for joining us!
A paid request from a fan in australia, Samantha P. - a Sun carrying a suitcase (it's vacation time). Thanks for working with us, Samantha!
A paid request for our good friend Becca R. - it's Emily from Corpse Bride! Always good to see you in chat, Becca!
Melissa P. gave us a donation for this heartfelt request of two dragons entwined in love, in celebration of her friends' first wedding anniversary. Congrats to Heather and Aaron! We wish you many more years of happiness together!
A paid request from our friend Kenisha E. - Baby Moana, from the beloved animated film of the same name. This one was handled by Dana!
Another request from our pal Samantha P. - Son Goku carrying his suitcase for vacation time. Thanks again, Samantha.
A request from Mina W. - one of their favorite pictures of their partner - TheSlyBehemoth on Twitch. Thanks, Mina, AKA TheNoodlePrincess! We appreciate you both.
A freestyle request from an old friend of mine, Chris B. - I went with 'Planets in Space', one of my favorite freestyle simple designs. Good to hear from you, Chris!
Dana had a moment to hop on the griddle and freestyle out this lovely elder dragon doodle. Nice work, Dana!
A chat request was made for an Epilepsy awareness ribbon. A lovely request, a simple design.
One of the last cakes of the stream, this Sailor Saturn pancake was made by Dana at the very end!
We started the stream with this simple Captain America portrait, from Gaming Overload in the live chat. Thanks for getting things started with a hero!
A simple freestyle kitty cat by our resident freestyle kitty cat afficianado, Dana.