Featured Pancake Art – Captain America Glow-Up

A side-by-side image of two pieces of pancake art. On the left, a large, cartoonish Captain America design has been crafted using browned and burned pancake batter lines to create contrast. The design is resting on a diner platter atop a stainless steel countertop. On the right side of the image, is a beautiful, full-color portrait of Captain America as portrayed by the actor Chris Evans. This design rests on a black background and has multiple shades of blues, grays, browns and red building up a lovely, semi-realistic rendition of the subject matter.

Hey everyone! This here was a bit of an out-of-the-ordinary piece for me; this Captain America pancake was made specifically to compare it against one I’d made years and years ago, back when I still worked at the diner. Back then I was only using drip cuts and heat toning and you can see the difference! I’ve come a long way since then. Dana pushed me to make some “glow-up” content to showcase how we’ve all improved as artists over the years, and there’s a bit more coming. What do you think?

Professional Pancake Artist Creates - Captain America Pancake Art

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