Featured Pancake Art – Chadwick Boseman – A Tribute

Chadwick Boseman Tribute Pancake Art

Once upon a time 43 seemed so old. Now, it feels like it’s just around the corner. Chadwick Boseman’s passing feels like a gut punch on so many levels. He was far too young, far too brave, far too good to be taken from us so early. He embodied all of the things that we as people aspire to be. He was as brave as we hope we could be when faced with our own mortality. 

It’s hard to quantify exactly how much impact any one person has, but for a lot of people he represents something that is both long overdue and needed more than ever.

I hope that, one day, we as human beings can live up to the example he has set.

A tribute to a King.

Rest in Power.

Chadwick Boseman Pancake Art - Rest in Power, Kinh #Shorts

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