JOP 36 – Ben and the Amazing Technicolor Pancakes (11/23/2020) Determined to make a comeback from last Friday’s stream, brought a pancake for all seasons! Well, two seasons as well as a colorful sky. The stream started with a colorful freehand leaf, followed by an image reference bean sprout, and ending on a vibrant balloons and rainbow piece that carried its subject, and our viewers, […] Posted In: Joy of Pancakes
Joy of Pancakes 35 – A Zombie Unicorn Named Febreeze (11/21/2020) A colorful Joy of Pancakes livestream was hosted by , her first JOP episode since returning from her family visit. Sticking to the common Wednesday theme of taking chat requests, Dana did 2 freehand pieces and 2 references pieces based on the prompts given. Two of those prompts, monster truck and zombie unicorn, were given […] Posted In: Joy of Pancakes
JOP 34 – Next Gen HD Pancake Graphics (11/21/2020) Happy launch day all you techies! Were you able to score a brand new PS5 or the Xbox Series Fridge? In honor of the next line of console systems, we went HD ourselves with some gaming themed pancakes, making the new Xbox and PS5 consoles, Miles Morales, and Minecraft Steve as vibrant pieces. Steve immediately […] Posted In: Joy of Pancakes
JOP 33 – The End is Ben-ign (11/21/2020) I’ll take any opportunity to have fun with wordplay, and it may be needed for this post as this JOP episode was a lesson in the Dancakes mantra, Mistakes Are Delicious. was excited to work on some long-form pancakes Friday night, one of which was based on a sketch he had made from a photo […] Posted In: Joy of Pancakes
In Studio Livestream 2020 EP27 – An Acoustic Peacock (11/17/2020) As the holiday of giving thanks looms in the distance, warmed up with a freehand turkey before doing a mix of donation requests, chat prompts, and freehand shenanigans. assisted in the studio to make sure a slap-happy tech situation didn’t repeat from Friday. We also got to test out some text filtering that resulted in […] Posted In: Livestreams
JOP 31 | Pancakes for my Family (11/13/2020) What are numbers? Surely not a means to show we missed a few updates. To distract you from this grievous error on our part, please enjoy these pancakes that Dan made during the stream while Dana showed off our resident son, John Cena. We also made an Alex Trebek tribute piece in his memory, but […] Posted In: Joy of Pancakes
Pancake Art Livestream Roundup – November 8, 2020 (11/12/2020) Everyone say “Welcome back, Dana!”, as she returned to the studio after some personal time to spend with family. We had an Extra Life charity livestream the day before this, but we didn’t save our pictures from that one, sorry all. However, this Sunday stream was quite the pancake plethora, bringing donation requests and fun […] Posted In: Livestreams
Pancake Art Livestream Roundup – October 25, 2020 (10/29/2020) After a week off due to some upgrades to our studio we’re back! handled the majority of the requests this week while managed the stream. We had lots of great requests from the chat and some really generous donations that we appreciate tremendously. A big thank you to Skylar and Leo for their donations this […] Posted In: Livestreams
JOP25 | Mental Photography (10/28/2020) Not sure how many of you are aware, but I’ve spent a lot of time dabbling in photography. I originally bought my camera and lenses for video production, and promptly proceeded to do very little of it. Luckily my camera (Sony A7S II) also happens to take really nice photos. It has a fairly low […] Posted In: Joy of Pancakes
Pancake Art Livestream Roundup – October 4 & 11, 2020 (10/17/2020) Oh October, what a strange transitional month. Part of that transition this year involved me dropping the ball on posting these donation requests in a timely fashion. So apologies to anyone that donated and has been like, “Dude, where my pancake pic?”. That’s on me. I spent a whole lot of time of time reminding […] Posted In: Livestreams