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"Halloween Doorstep" Preserved Pancake Art
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Your Daily Dose of Pancake Art News & Updates
The Why, How & History of the Dancakes Name
by Benjamin Daniel
We get a lot of questions about why we use the name “Dancakes”, which is fair, only one of our chef’s jackets has the name “Dan” on it. What usually follows is an abbreviated answer about why we decided to keep the name. Now, I’m more than happy to keep answering that question until the […]
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Dancakes Stories
My Name Is Daniel Drake, I Am Not Dancakes
by Daniel Drake
Y’all. It’s Dancakes. Not Dr. Dancake. Or Dr. Dancakes. Or Dan’s Cakes. Or, like, “Dan Dan the Pancake Man”??? What on Earth is that one about? (I went by Dr. Dan the Pancake Man at one point, but Dan-Dan???) It’s Dancakes. It’s a pancake pun. Pancakes – but with a “D” instead. Dancakes. Dancakes is […]
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Dancakes Live Events Are Back! The Journey to our Return.
by Hank Gustafson
Wow, what the hell was 2020? It started off great, we worked an event called Hotella Nutella in Napa Valley in January, and right after that was an appearance on Good Morning America with Dan and Dana where they hung out with the hosts of Shark Tank! They all got their faces pancaked, naturally. We […]
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Dancakes Updates
How Becoming a Pancake Artist Turned Me Into a Full-Stack Developer – Pt. 2
by Benjamin Daniel
If you haven’t read Part 1, you may want to backtrack a bit and give it a glance, for the sake of context… Or not. Totally up to you. 🙂 Alright, we’ve got the site up. Everything seems to work like a real web page. What else is there to do? It works now, it’ll […]
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Dancakes Stories
How Becoming a Pancake Artist Turned Me Into a Full-Stack Developer Pt. 1
by Benjamin Daniel
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. At no point in time during my journey to becoming a full-time pancake artist did anyone ask, “Hey, do you know anything about web development?”. Yet, here we are, 6 years into a being a professional pancake artist and 3 years into being a full-stack developer. I’ll take […]
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Dancakes Stories
Pancakes for Passion and/or Profit
by Jeremy J.
Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and Merry Crimbo…Crisis…is that right? Eh, will figure it out later. The gang took a short holiday break the past few days and now is resuming pancake production. Dan’s done a few of the past streams, combining a few viewer prompts with his own choices. Dan used part of a […]
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Joy of Pancakes
Making Lofi Art to Hifi Screams
by Jeremy J.
Monday’s Joy of Pancakes was a multi-purpose project. First, wanted to join in on a contest that ChilledCow, the channel behind the lofi beats to relax and study to, where artists were to incorporate the mascot female character into original art. As Ben has done in the past, Dan created an original sketch to then […]
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Joy of Pancakes
Welcome to the Griddle, Daniel Ben Daniel
by Jeremy J.
Our Sunday request stream was led by as was in studio providing batter-making ASMR for pieces he was going to work on the next day (spoiler alert, you can see them here!). The holidays were in the air as in addition to the usual nerdy and unique requests, we had a few festive additions to […]
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Feeling Froggy with the Franco-Mendez Bros.
by Jeremy J.
For this post we’re going weekly as we summarize Dana’s past three Joy of Pancakes. The first stream started out with a work task as the crew aimed to join in on the Animaniacs Intro Meme. After making the Warner Bros. and the Warner Sister, proceeded to make a freehanded ice fox piece, revisiting a […]
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Joy of Pancakes
JOP EP41 – “My ganglia remain unconvinced”
by Benjamin Daniel
“What time is the stream supposed to start?” Dana inquired. I replied, with all the confidence of an untrained lion tamer, “Ummmm… In…. 4 minutes.” This exchange was happening while sitting at one of our editing bays, endlessly scrolling through images, looking for an ounce of inspiration for the stream that obviously wasn’t starting in […]
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Joy of Pancakes
Joy of Pancakes ep. 39 – A Class Act feat. Wella
by Jeremy J.
Twas the Monday after Thanksgiving, and all through the studio, the artists were back to production, and friend Wella added to their portfolio. Okay, that’s one good rhyme out of the way; don’t think I could go the full post in that poetic measure. started off the stream with a pancake that both is a […]
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Joy of Pancakes
Joy of Pancakes ep. 38 – Dana Versus The Pie
by Jeremy J.
A fun stream this day, though there’s one item missing from the gallery. did a combination of freehand and referenced pieces themed around the Thanksgiving holiday, and assisted in the studio. The stream contained topics that included coping with mental health, but the biggest highlight was a behind the scenes look as Dana and Hank […]
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Joy of Pancakes
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